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ERP Software 1996soft

Version note, videos and support 1996soft

New version V24.8 24.05.24 available

Detailed statistics on the customer file and the supplier file
Better Google maps integration
Integration of a URL link for web areas so as not to leave the application
Fixed error on quote duplication

Version macOS and Windows V24.7 17.05.24
Semi-automatic completion of customer and supplier files
Search for Leads in France and suppliers in France and automatic creation of customers and suppliers
On-the-fly translation of customer quotes and supplier orders
Possibility of sending several documents with the quote including the T&Cs
Real-time currency converter of total amounts for quotes, supplier orders and supplier invoices
Real-time currency converter for the purchase price of an item
Calculation of turnover for 3 years over the same period per customer, invoices button
Modification of all menus so you can know everything without clicking!
Control of the internet connection when sending key documents, quotes, customer invoices and supplier orders
Drag and drop documents and automatic document viewing
Real-time hot backup of database and documents
Improved date-picker
Automatic integration of NAF, SCI, CNAE, ATECO and WZ 2008 codes
Correction of trial version data
Other minor developments
Version macOS and Windows V24.6 28.03.24
Customers list: new buttons search for export customers, search for customers to contact, search for customers by sales targets
Contacts list: new buttons search for export Contacts, search Contacts to contact, search Contacts Contacted today, search Contacts Contacted in the week, search Contacts Contacted in the month,
search Contacts by sales targets
Sales: new search buttons Export sales, Sales to private customers, Sales by flagship product
Invoices: if the customer is an individual, the application generates a basic pdf without the xml
Version macOS and Windows V24.6 19.03.24
Datepicker on the machine file
Version macOS and Windows V24.5 14.03.24
Display of the company logo on all menus
Date picker for searches and date entry
Translation of Info button information into Spanish, Italian and German
Search Supplier invoices by period, invoice date, due date, payment date
Preview of customer orders upon entry
Preview of supplier invoices upon entry
Preview of supplier delivery notes upon entry
Log file for sending supplier orders, quotes
Version macOS and Windows V24.4 01.03.24
Choice of language during installation and automatic translation of email texts
Customization of Invoices, Quotes, Supplier orders, service orders templates
"Flags" Paid or Notice on invoice form
For macOS Sonoma Modification of the font/ Correction of the length of certain field names not visible in Spanish, Italian or German
Version macOS and Windows V24.3 30.01.24
For macOS Sonoma Modification of buttons/disappearance if clicked outside the window
Reminder Quotation follow-up automatic in schedule
Version macOS and Windows V24.3 24.01.24
Modification of all formats with tabs due to the change in tab display on macOS Sonoma
Version macOs and Windows V24.2 15.01.24 Minor fixes
“Bad payer” alert on the customer file
Contact qualification
Follow-up of dunning notices on the invoice
Version macOS and Windows V24.1 02.01.24 Minor fixes
Version macOS and Windows V19-290923 Minor fixes
Version macOS and Windows V19-230823 Minor fixes
Version macOS and Windows V19-010823 Minor fixes

Version macOs and Windows V19-080723

1996b becomes 1996soft.

Language integration Spanish, Italian and German.

Invoice format in xml fully compliant with Factur-X, Xrechnung, FatturaPA, FacturaE.

Automatic integration of the list of countries with ISO code in the 5 languages French, English, German, Spanish and Italian.

Automatic integration of the list of States for the USA, Mexico and Canada, Counties for UK and Republic of Ireland, Bundeslander for Germany, Regions of France, Belgium, Switzerland, Provincias for Spain, Province for Italy.

List of videos on our Youtube channel

Click here to access the channel

Note: You can enlarge the video and change the resolution to 1080p HD, which is not automatic, by clicking the button at the bottom right of the Youtube window

What happens if I click on the Buy button?

This video explains the process of buying 1996soft

The application will ask for your email and then redirect you to our bank's website

Our bank is responsible for collecting your identity data. Complete all the requested fields and validate or leave the page if you don't want to buy

Note: your information are not collected until you validate this page

Enter your financial information and validate

Once your payment has been validated by our bank, we will send you your license number by email (max 10 minutes)

What happens when you register your licence?

Once your license has been registered, the application will ask you to enter your company's information: Fill in the requested elements and validate: you can come back to your Company's file later.

The application will restart and CLEAR all demo data and create Your database according to your chosen language in the trial version and your entered company information.

The application will automatically create the list of countries and regions

The application will automatically create the basic popups (Payment period, Payment type, VAT exemption code, Machine status, Intervention status, Gender, Automatic text of emails, etc.)

You can then customize these lists (modification or deletion of unsuitable items)

Vous pourrez ensuite customiser ces listes ( modification ou suppression des éléments non adaptés)

Note: for France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, the Payment Term, Payment Type, VAT Exempt Code, and Billing Framework popups are the OFFICIAL lists to use for electronic invoicing

No problem: click on one of the language flags and the application will create the popups in the chosen language

1-Set up your Company profile

2-Set up the database in Settings

3-Enter your products, your customers, your invoices etc.

Note: You can create your products and customers from the invoice directly!

These videos explain how to set up the application

Customize your 1996soft app with your logo
Customize your invoices in less than a minute with 1996soft
How to change language and settings?
How to set emails with a GMAIL account?
What is COA?
What is a popup?

Note: for France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, the Payment Term, Payment Type, VAT Exempt Code, and Billing Framework popups are the OFFICIAL lists to use for electronic invoicing

How to add products?

A product is an item, an object, a spare part, a device, a device with a serial number or a service

Products are things you sell but also you buy to manange your company.

Note: You can create a product record at any time: from a quote, a customer order, a customer invoice, a supplier order, an invoice, a service order

How to add customers and contacts?
How to add a customer's call, a customer, a quote, a contact, a product?
How to create an order and an invoice from a quote?
How to record a customer's order?
How to add a delivery and shipment?

How to add a customer's invoice?
How to send a dunning notice to a customer?
How to record customers payments?

How to add a supplier's purchase order and equipments reception/delivery?
How to add a supplier's invoice?
How to add an item on an invoice?
How to correct an account number on a supplier's invoice?

How to create a work order from a customer's call?
How to schedule work orders?
How to add common tasks and complete work orders?
How to apply an invoice Number on work orders and modify completed work orders?

Minimum Windows 10, 11 or MacOS Ventura

Ram 8 Go

Full HD or QHD screen 1920x1080

You will have to download our demo version to buy the software

Make sure you have downloaded the last version. If the date is different from your demo version, uninstall your demo version and download the lastest version indicated above

Make sure you have read our terms and conditions and privacy policy before downloading the trial version

Open the trial version and Click on the button buy

You will be prompted to enter your email address

You will be then redirected to our bank web site for safe and secure payment

Pay attention that we only accept credit card payment

Once the payment is completed you will receive by email your receipt and your licence number to register in the software

By default the software will create a directory called 1996soft on the C disk unless you change location during installation when prompted

The software is provided with an Uninstall.exe that you can run if you want to delete the software from your disk

On MacOS, delete all application files by placing them in the trash

The software is not provided with a user guide. The user guide is under construction

Go to our Youtube channel to see our short training videos

Please note that some buttons are disabled in the demo version

Can't find the answer to your question ? please email us we will be pleased to complete this section



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